The cow level diablo 2
The cow level diablo 2

the cow level diablo 2

That’s everything we know about the Diablo 4 cow level. Shely and Fergusson noted that “things will loosen up” as the game’s development continues, and less serious content like the cow level could definitely make a comeback, especially with its popularity with fans. While there won’t be a cow level from the start, the door is open for it to make a return in the future. With the developers aiming for a darker tone for the game, the cow level looks to be one of the casualties.

the cow level diablo 2

A cow level, wings, or pets take away from that groundedness”. On being asked about the prospect of a cow level, they said “At launch, Diablo 4 will have a gritty and grounded world. In an interview with World of Warcraft website Wowhead, Diablo 4 Game Director Joe Shely and General Manager Rod Fergusson appeared to quash any chances of a cow level at launch. Unfortunately, it looks like we won’t have a cow level in Diablo 4. While secret levels don’t sound too far-fetched, Lilith and Inarius’ battle in Diablo 4 doesn’t help the possibility of a cow level. Since then, further references and similar levels appeared in Diablo 3, as well as other Blizzard games such as World of Warcraft and Hearthstone. In this level, players would fight bipedal cows called Hell Bovines and their leader The Cow King. Thanks to popularity with both fans and developers, references to the level featured in future Blizzard titles, and a cow level was finally added to Diablo 2’s post-game content.

the cow level diablo 2

Fake screenshots spread showing this made-up level, adding further fuel to the fire. Rumours spread that clicking on cows in certain areas would spawn a portal leading to a secret cow level. The Diablo cow level started off as a hoax in the first Diablo game. With the infamous level’s popularity among Diablo fans and even Blizzard fans in general, you’ll want to know whether it’s making a return in Diablo 4.Ĭheck out all the Diablo 4 Fractured Peak Waypoint locations and get yourself a Diablo 4 mount, and let’s go through everything you need to know about the Diablo 4 cow level. If you’re wondering whether there’s a Diablo 4 cow level, you’re not the only one.

The cow level diablo 2